Our philanthropic priorities and partnerships have a common thread – it’s to bring people together, to be inspired by the best and brightest minds, and to focus on similarities more than differences, to advance our mission.
We support and invest in innovative, high performing organizations, programs and partnerships that make traditional Judaism relevant, accessible, and meaningful to contemporary Jews.
Eshel seeks to create a future for the Orthodox LGBTQ+ community through its innovative and culturally sensitive programming designed to support LGBTQ Jews and their families, and to open hearts, minds, and doors in traditional Jewish communities. Micah provides general operating and capacity building support as Eshel expands its reach and impact.
Learn MoreThe International Beit Din was established to address challenging cases concerning Agunot (women whose husbands refuse to give them a divorce), and to provide a forum where women facing get abuse may find effective relief, all with a commitment to maintaining strict halachic standards. Based on its case load it is the most active court for Agunot in the United States. Micah supports the IBD’s strategic planning process and provides general operating support.
Learn MoreBased in Israel and founded by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Ohr Torah Stone is a Modern Orthodox movement of 30 institutions and programs making a transformative impact on Jewish life, learning and leadership worldwide. Micah supports OTS’ efforts in two key areas: 1) Yad La’Isha’s efforts to develop and expand the use of the halakhic prenuptial agreement in Israel; and 2) The Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute of Halakhic Leadership at Midreshet Lindenbaum, a five-year-long, full-time yeshiva that provides women scholars with the opportunity to engage in Torah study on a level high enough to join the top circle of Torah scholars and leadership. With an eye towards expanding roles and career opportunities for graduates of the program, and ultimately women Torah scholars throughout Israel, Micah supports a placement professional who will work with graduates to find positions throughout Israel. Micah also supports Ohr Torah Stone in providing mental healthcare professionals for its network of post high school programs during this difficult time.
Learn MoreORA is the central address in the Orthodox community seeking to eliminate abuse in the Jewish divorce process. They do this through the promotion of the prenup agreement, educational programs, and case advocacy. In addition to a general support grant, Micah funds Cheirut, an international coalition of organizations, established by ORA, is dedicated to helping agunot worldwide.
Learn MoreYeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School recruits, professionally trains, and places Rabbis throughout the world to lead the Jewish people and shape their communities’ spiritual and intellectual character in consonance with Modern Orthodox values and commitments. What makes them unique is their commitment to inspiring a passionate commitment to Torah, encouraging intellectual openness, questioning, and critical thinking, affirming the shared covenantal bond among all Jews regardless of denomination, and enhancing and expanding the role of women within Orthodoxy. Micah provides YCT with strategic planning support, together with a multi-year operating grant. In addition, Micah funds a senior scholar position at the yeshiva.
Learn MoreITIM is the leading advocacy organization working to build a Jewish and democratic Israel in which all Jews can lead full Jewish lives. Micah supports ITIM’s strategic planning process and provides general operating support for its commitment to helping people participate in central features of Jewish life, such as gaining official recognition as Jews, marrying as Jews, and converting to Judaism, and to improving government policies that impede access to these fundamental Jewish life passages.
Learn MoreUri L’Tzedek is an Orthodox social justice organization guided by Torah values and dedicated to combating suffering and oppression. Through community-based education, leadership development, and action, Uri L’Tzedek creates discourse, inspires leaders, and empowers the Jewish community towards creating a more just world. Micah provides general operating support.
Learn MoreFounded in 2013 by Rabbi Herzl Hefter, Beit Midrash Har’el is the only orthodox program where women and men study together to become Rabbis, providing qualified and motivated students equal access to the Torah and our tradition while also providing equal recognition for accomplishment in learning and intellectual achievement. Micah supports Har’El’s Collaborative Seminar for the Study of the Jewish Interpretive Tradition.
Learn MoreNetivot Shalom is a thoughtful and inclusive Modern Orthodox Beit Knesset committed to the intentional practice of Torah, tefillah, chesed and community. Micah supports a co-clergy model at Netivot Shalom.
Learn MoreKoren is committed to intellectual rigor, textual purity, and thoughtful design. Micah supports Koren’s five volume Megillah set.
Learn MoreKesher Families was born of a need for parents to speak with other parents about the unique circumstance of having an LGBTQ+ member in an Orthodox family. Kesher helps maintain a connection from parent to child, sibling to sibling, and grandparent to grandchild. Micah supports Kesher families with an operating grant.
Learn MoreJQY is a mental health organization that empowers Jewish queer teens and young adults to live healthy, joyful lives. Micah supports their mental health efforts.
Learn MoreThe Honey Foundation for Israel invests in spiritual leaders who harness the energy of entrepreneurship along with the power of Judaism to create an Israeli society that is more open, connected, and reflective of our Jewish values. Micah supports Honey’s work in Israel to support entrepreneurial spiritual leaders in the Orthodox community.
Learn MoreThe Orthodox Women’s Torah Leadership (OWTL) field building initiative was launched in January 2023 at a convening sponsored by Micah Philanthropies and the Walder Foundation. Micah Philanthropies is dedicated to building a field of Orthodox women’s Torah leadership by coordinating and supporting the efforts of organizations and passionate professionals, lay leaders and philanthropists working to develop, nurture and support women Torah leaders.
Learn MoreDrisha, founded in 1979 by Rabbi David Silber, is the world’s first center for women’s advanced study of classical Jewish texts. To build the pipeline of the next generation of women scholars, Micah supports Drisha’s summer Talmud programs for middle school and high school girls.
Learn MoreFounded by our teacher and mentor Blu Greenberg 25 years ago, JOFA is the pioneering and leading organization that advocates for expanding women’s rights and opportunities within the framework of halakha, to build a vibrant and equitable Orthodox community. In addition to annual operating support, Micah is the founding funder of JOFA’s Devorah Scholar Program, subsidizing the salaries of first-time women clergy in Orthodox synagogues across North America. The program’s goal is to increase the number of women in leadership roles in congregations across North America.
Learn MoreNishmat is one of the premiere centers for advanced Torah study for women in the world. Micah supports Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center through stipends and the training of Yoatzot Halacha across North America. Women who train to be Yoatzot Halacha are selected for their extensive Torah knowledge, leadership ability and deep religious commitment. Graduates of this program serve in communities and synagogues across the globe fostering the observance of Taharat Mishpacha (family purity) and serve as role models and teachers. Micah also supports the publication of Nishmat Habayit 2 and 3, compilations of responsa composed by a team of Yoatzot Halakha.
Learn MoreThe Orthodox Leadership Project promotes Orthodox women as impactful leaders of Jewish communities. Micah supports its Women’s Advanced Halakha Program, in partnership with Ohr Torah Stone, a program for teachers, scholars and professionals already in positions of Jewish leadership, providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to grow in their roles.
Learn MoreMicah is an active and leading supporter of Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools, a national network of day schools and yeshivas focused on building and strengthening the Jewish day school field by identifying and investing in talent, catalyzing resources, and supporting educational innovation. In addition to providing operating support, Micah initiated and funds Prizmah’s Orthodox Women in Day School Leadership initiative, designed to support current Orthodox women Heads of School, strengthen the pipeline of women leaders, and identify and nurture the cultures and conditions essential for Orthodox women leaders’ success.
Learn MoreSefaria is a non-profit organization dedicated to building the future of Jewish learning in an open and participatory way by assembling a free living library of 3000 years of Jewish texts and their interconnections, in Hebrew and in translation. With these digital texts, they create new, interactive interfaces for Web, tablet and mobile, allowing more people to engage with the textual treasures of our tradition. With the goal of increasing the amount of available and accessible women’s scholarship, the foundation provides lead funding for Sefaria’s Author Initiative: Supporting and Mentoring Women’s Text Scholarship.
Learn MoreSharsheret provides resources and support for those facing breast and ovarian cancer in the Jewish community. Micah funds the unique halachic curriculum and training program for women communal leaders made available through Sharsheret’s Global Health Training institute.
Learn MoreBased in Israel and founded by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Ohr Torah Stone is a Modern Orthodox movement of 30 institutions and programs making a transformative impact on Jewish life, learning and leadership worldwide. Micah supports OTS’ efforts in two key areas: 1) Yad La’Isha’s efforts to develop and expand the use of the halakhic prenuptial agreement in Israel; and 2) The Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute of Halakhic Leadership at Midreshet Lindenbaum, a five-year-long, full-time yeshiva that provides women scholars with the opportunity to engage in Torah study on a level high enough to join the top circle of Torah scholars and leadership. With an eye towards expanding roles and career opportunities for graduates of the program, and ultimately women Torah scholars throughout Israel, Micah supports a placement professional who will work with graduates to find positions throughout Israel.
Learn MoreThe Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS) is the only Orthodox two-year master’s program that provides women an opportunity for post-college, high-level study to further their growth in skills in advanced Talmud, Tanach and Halakhic studies. This program creates an elite cadre of female scholars of who will serve as leaders and role models for the Orthodox community and Jewish community at large. After completing the two-year program, the women will receive a master’s degree in Biblical and Talmudic interpretation. Micah funds both the Graduate Program and a micro-grant incubation fund for GPATS students launching their own learning initiatives.
Learn MoreYeshivat Maharat, founded in 2009, is the first Yeshiva in America to ordain women to serve as Orthodox clergy. By providing a credentialed pathway for women to serve as clergy, they increased the community’s ability to attract the best and brightest into the ranks of its rabbinic leadership. In addition, by expanding the leadership to include women, they seek to enliven the community at large with a wider array of voices, thoughts, and perspectives. Micah provides multi-year operating support for Maharat and funds a pilot program designed to place and support alumni in building spiritual communities.
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Hadran aims to make Talmud study accessible to Jewish women at all levels. It does so in a unique way: by providing a wide range of resources – daily Talmud study support, commentary, topical shiurim, insights – in the voice of women teachers. These resources present the material in clear ways, with explorations of context and explanations of basic Talmudic assumptions, making them interesting, engaging, and meaningful. Hadran believes that an accessible digital hub of Talmud study will advance women’s Talmud learning worldwide. Micah supports Hadran’s Beyond the Daf program.
Learn MoreMicah supports Kolech: Religious Women’s Forum, in creating social change for the purpose of promoting the status of women, gender equality, and women’s rights in Israel.
Learn MoreMatan has been at the cutting edge of Torah learning for women since it was established in 1988. What began as a small group studying around a dining room table with Rabbanit Malke Bina, has developed into a dynamic, broad based institute with intensive Beit Midrash programs and a wide array of innovative and challenging learning opportunities for women of all ages and from all backgrounds. Micah supports Kitvuni, a fellowship for women writing books of Torah scholarship.
Learn MoreThe Downtown Minyan is a vibrant, warm, innovative, and growing Jewish community in downtown Manhattan dedicated to cultivating purpose-driven Jewish living for young adults. Micah supports Mijal Bitton in her role as Rosh Kehilla.
Learn MoreThe Batsheva Learning Institute Community for women, offers unique opportunities to explore the original texts of Torah. Micah supports the women’s Beit Midrash.
Learn MoreThe Palm Collective is a private, global community and trusted partner for today’s Jewish philanthropists, offering meaningful connections, learning opportunities, and personalized resources. Micah supports its first cohort of Orthodox women funders.
Learn MoreMicah participates in the Arev fund, whose mission is to use and promote impactful female Jewish philanthropy to spur change, with a particular focus on the advancement of women.
Learn MoreMicah supports Ceres’ Climate Action 100+ program, which is working to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.
Learn MoreCitizens Climate Education is a nonpartisan grassroots advocacy organization that empowers individuals to educate key stakeholders, policymakers, and the general public about effective solutions to climate change. Micah supports CCE’s Conservative Outreach efforts.
Learn MoreEnvironmental Defense Fund is one of the world’s leading and most influential environmental organizations. Guided by science and economics they find practical and lasting solutions to the most serious environmental problems. Micah supports their work with aquaculture in order to develop sustainable production of healthy seafood meeting the most stringent environmental and health standards.
Learn MoreFor more than 90 years, the Jewish Agency for Israel has worked to overcome the biggest challenges facing the Jewish people. Micah supports the Jewish Agency as they create links globally—bringing Jews to Israel and Israel to Jews around the world. Micah supports JAFI’s efforts on behalf of Ukrainian immigrants to Israel.
Learn MoreMicah supports New England Jewish Academy, a Pre-K – 12 Orthodox Jewish Day School based in West Hartford, CT. Micah initiated and supports an innovative and responsive tuition subsidy initiative for all NEJA students, helping grow the school and the West Hartford Orthodox community.
Learn MoreMicah is an active and leading supporter of Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools, a national network of day schools and yeshivas focused on building and strengthening the Jewish day school field by identifying and investing in talent, catalyzing resources, and supporting educational innovation. In addition to providing operating support, Micah initiated and funds Prizmah’s Orthodox Women in Day School Leadership initiative, designed to support current Orthodox women Heads of School, strengthen the pipeline of women leaders, and identify and nurture the cultures and conditions essential for Orthodox women leaders’ success.
Learn MoreMicah supports Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford, a Jewish day school located in West Hartford, CT that nurtures and inspires the next generation of creators and thinkers to make positive change in the global community through dynamic, forward-looking models of education guided by Jewish principles and values.
Learn MoreThe American Israel Education Foundation (“AIEF”) is the charitable organization affiliated with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby. One of its signature initiatives is funding educational seminars to Israel for members of Congress and other political influentials. Micah supports AIEF in their support of educational programs including Middle East research, educational materials and conferences, and leadership programs for university students.
Learn MoreWashington Institute is the one of the leading institutes in the world devoted to advancing a balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East and to promote the policies that secure them. Micah supports Washington Institute with a general operating grant.
Learn MoreThe Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) is dedicated to advancing U.S. national security interests in the Middle East, of which a critical pillar is a robust U.S.-Israel security relationship. Micah supports JINSA with a general operating grant.
Learn MoreBnai Zion media brings together the resources to shape how massive mainstream audiences, in Gen Z and beyond, engage with Israel and the Jewish people. Micah supports Bnai Zion for the development of ROVA mini-documentaries and social media content on Israel.
Learn MoreAmerican Engagement Network envisions a world where American higher education welcomes, respects, and supports the expression of Jewish identity and robust discourse about Israel. Micah supports AEN with a general operating grant.
Learn MoreFuente Latina believes there is always a different story to tell about Israel and the Middle East. They help global Spanish-language media tell those stories. Micah supports Fuente Latina with a general operating grant.
Learn MoreBoundless Israel partners with community leaders to revitalize Israel education and take bold collective action to combat Jew-hatred. Micah supports Boundless Israel with a general operating grant.
Learn MoreSixpoint sits at the nexus of talent management and media networking, amplifying influential voices and creators to speak out and be heard, doing their part to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and all forms of insidious hatred. Micah supports Sixpoint with an operating grant.
Learn MoreMicah funds ADL, the global leader in the effort to combat antisemitism, counter extremism, battle bigotry and protect democracy.
Learn MoreFounded in 2006, Hadar works to empower Jews to create and sustain vibrant, practicing, egalitarian communities of Torah, Avodah and Chesed by offering immersive experiences with deep Jewish content. Micah provides multi-year operating support for Hadar and its regional expansion as well as the Hadar Havurah program.
Learn MoreMicah supports Jewish Federation of North America, whose mission is to protect and enhance the well-being of Jews worldwide through meaningful contributions to community, Israel and civil society, consisting of 146 local federations protecting the well-being of Jews worldwide through tikkun olam and tzedakah.
Learn MoreJFN is a global network of foundations and philanthropists whose mission is to promote meaningful giving and improve philanthropy in the Jewish world. Micah is a member of the network.
Learn MoreThe J.J. Greenberg Institute for the Advancement of Jewish Life is a division of Hadar that promotes the teachings of our teacher and mentor Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, seeking to sustain a vision of Jewish life that is fully integrated into postmodern culture. Micah’s grant supports the production and dissemination of an array of muti-media presentations of Rabbi Greenberg’s teachings, and supporting the recruitment and training of the next generation of Jewish leaders and educators who will further spread this Torah.
Learn MoreWith over 230,000 Jewish children’s books sent out monthly to families across North America and over 20 million books sent out since its launch by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library is one of the Jewish community’s most successful outreach, engagement, and identity building programs. Nothing matches the excitement children and families experience monthly as they rip open their envelope to reveal another quality Jewish themed book. The books are a gift from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the local community partner (Jewish Federations or Jewish Community Centers) and a group of philanthropists known as PJ Alliance Partners. Micah is proud to be a member of the PJ Alliance.
Learn MoreMicah supports Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, an inclusive and intellectually challenging Jewish learning community in Jerusalem with programs worldwide
Learn MoreJewish Federation of Greater Hartford protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide and locally through the values of Tikkun Olam, tzedakah and Torah. The Federation galvanizes the community in times of crisis for emergency fund raising campaigns such as the most recent efforts to support and rescue Ukranians. Micah supports the annual campaign and emergency campaigns, as needed.
Learn MoreThe American Joint Distribution Committee is the leading global Jewish humanitarian organization. Micah supports JDC’s efforts to rescue and support Ukrainians.
Learn MorePhoto Credit: Jewish Life Photo Bank, Warren Burstein